Former Massachusetts GOP Gov. Bill Weld has launched a committee to explore a Republican primary challenge against President Trump.

While the president’s endured a rough few months – from the loss of the House GOP majority in November’s midterm elections to the political hits he took over the partial federal government shutdown – Trump remains popular with Republicans.
Anyone who does launch a primary challenge would be considered an extreme underdog who would have to face off against not only a hard-charging president but also a Republican Party that remains firmly supportive of the president.
“We don’t consider him a Republican. We don’t want him back as a Republican.”
Stepanek, who served as co-chair of Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign in New Hampshire, explained that “If there is a legitimate national Republican candidate, then under the bylaws I have to remain neutral. I’m not going to be supporting them by any means, I’m just not going to be going against them.”
Former New Hampshire GOP vice chair Matt Mayberry, who asked Weld about his party shift, predicted a primary challenge wouldn’t resonate with rank-and-file Granite State Republicans.
“As Gov. Weld said himself, anytime a sitting president is challenged, they lose. I don’t want a Democrat in the White House, I want a Republican standing in the White House,” Mayberry said.