Our recent story about Scrubby’s was about the Tap-Room in Lion Bowl, where you can sitback, and enjoy their brews. That beer is being brewed locally, in Dallastown. We had a chance to sample some of their beer – and it’s Drinkable, and Delicious.
Common beer for common folks. Coming to Red Lion in 2021.

It’s been a long road for owners, Emery and Jess, Working tirelessly over the past year or two. They’ve had to contend with the Shutdown, the local government wasn’t issuing permits they needed to continue, and they did a lot of the work themselves.

Emery was sharing stories with us describing the events that took place while they seek to open. One stands out. Early on they had a visit from G-Men associated with the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau. The agent claimed that what they were doing was illegal, under federal law. Emery was devastated, they’ve invested so much already, seeked all the proper government licenses and permits, doing what so many other local PA breweries have done. It was a day from hell. Emery called his partners and said it’s over. What could one do? The Feds intervened.
Emery was sure they were doing everything right. He called the agent. Years of planning were coming crashing down, Emery was sick and in one breath the g-man from the federal government made it all go away. “I was wrong”

Scrubby’s will be open this year. They plan to brew affordable “drinkable” beers. and their first tap room is located inside Lion Bowl. We’ve tested some of their beer, and yes, they are delicious and drinkable. Emery feels that bitter beer, and overly hopped beers are turning people off from Micro Brews.
Soon Red Lion and Dallastown Residents will be able to quench their thirst and enjoy a good game of bowling without leaving town!
Check out Scrubby’s website or facebook for the latest information.