For reasons that are legal, you might want to have internet in one building that is far away from your internet source.
The goal is simple, to provide internet service to a co-location without contacting the ISP. Your building could be 10 feet away or 1000 feet away. I want you to throw what you may have heard out the window, “Physical connection is better.“ While accurate, in the past. With modern technological advances, you can beam gigabit+ signal over 8 miles ( line of sight ) That is likely faster than your ISP’s VPN.
So let’s look at the numbers. In my area, Comcast is the only option for high-speed internet. Their gigabit internet service costs more than $200 for residential service and assumably much more for “business” service. That’s not guaranteeing that you’ll get those speeds to point to point.

You can see the product used in the calculations here
I’m a Homeowner looking to extend my internet to another building.
You likely don’t need the Pro level equipment for this. However, the same steps take place on a smaller scale. You’ll need a few devices to bridge your wifi connection, and you likely already have a few of them. Their needs to be internet at the target house, and a WiFi network that you know the password to. If you have those things, you need a few more devices to bridge the signal between the buildings. You’ll need a bridge and another router to rebroadcast your signal.

If the wireless signal from your target house is strong enough, or if you can’t access the building. You may not need a bridge installed at that location. In that case, All you need is a bridge in your destination building that will talk to the host building network.