In Red Lion, PA, the Black Cap Brewing Company was a local favorite years ago. they were left with little choice and were forced to close down. Red Lion is entering a period of economic redevelopment, with multiple projects finishing this year.
Way before Covid, Red Lion had Black Cap Brewing Company, located in the old post office on the corner of High st and North Main. It was a local favorite, where friends gathered and new friends were made.
The owner of Black Cap, Greg Bently, found great success in Red Lion. Still, only a few years after opening, he faced an issue: either buy the building or end his lease. Given a choice, Black Cap was forced to sell its assets, and the community lost a local favorite. Greg wasn’t discouraged and began writing a new business plan, waiting for the correct location or partner to come along.
Fast forward, it’s two years ago when real estate investor Jordan Ilyes came to Red Lion after his successful renovation in Hanover, looking to discuss the empty David Edwards Building. Jordan met with Borough staff, who asked Jordan to consider dedicating part of his Franklin St Project to Commercial. The Borough introduced the two, and Greg realized this was his opportunity to reopen his dream.
In our interview with Greg, It’s readily apparent that he is passionate about his business and product. Greg is excited to open what he lovingly calls “version two” in its new location. On North Franklin St, inside the Red Lion, Table Co. Loft Apartments. We were able to get inside and snap some pictures.
With Plenty of seating and a large commercial Kitchen, Black Cap will sport a well-appointed menu of food and something extraordinary. You’ll have to see for yourself.

Regulars of the old Black Cap will be happy to hear. With a large dining and seating area and a few large 12′ concrete community tables, guests will have plenty of space.
The interior is a beautiful modern design featuring poured concrete, plate glass, and polished concrete floors. After visiting the in-progress construction, one can’t help but notice the industrial feel, paying homage to the building’s original use. Much of the wood removed for construction was reused and expertly crafted by Red Lion’s Master Craftsman Joel Pershing into the table tops for all the tables.
There will be 12 draft beer taps and a selection of wine.
The community is excited about welcoming Black Cap back with open arms. Don’t miss our other stories coming soon; subscribe to our website, so you don’t miss them.