Tour to Stop in York, Lancaster, and others counties this week.
Back in January, Lt. Gov. Fetterman announced his Recreational Marijuana Tour. Promising to visit all 67 Pennsylvania Counties to hear what people have to say, for or against recreational marijuana.

If your county has already been visited or you don’t plan to visit one of the tour locations you can submit your opinions for or against online here. Over 21,000 Pennsylvanians have submitted their feedback to the Lt. Governor. This is a tiny insignificant portion of Pennsylvania total population of 12.81 million.
“More people need to share their opinions-good or bad.” Said a Man in Red Lion. “It’s really amazing what it does for people as a medicine. I’ve been using marijuana for a while, In the comfort of my home, recreationally and It’s amazing how many people still don’t understand this plant.”
Others disagree, thinking the legislation of marijuana recreation will mark a downturn in society.
Upcoming Tour Dates
Butler County
6 to 7:30 p.m. Thursday, March 21
Slippery Rock University
McKay Education Building
1 Morrow Way, Slippery Rock, PA 16057
Huntingdon County
6 to 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, March 20
Juniata College Brumbaugh Academic Center
Alumni Hall
1700 Moore St., Huntingdon, PA 16652
Lancaster County
6 to 7:30 p.m. Monday, March 18
Millersville University
The Ware Center
42 N. Prince St., Lancaster, PA 17603
Perry County
6 to 7:30 p.m. Monday, March 25
New Bloomfield VFW
71 Soule Road, New Bloomfield, PA 17068
York County
6 to 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, March 19
York College of Pennsylvania
DeMeester Recital Hall
441 Country Club Road, York, PA 17401
Does Recreational Marijuana Hurt Society?

In a recent study by PewResearch six-in-ten Americans support marijuana legalization. Popular opinion doesn’t always make the correct decisions for society. Could we as Americans be heading down a path that isn’t for the best. It’s already apparent that foreign governments have attempted to influence our elections. Is it possible that the growth of the legalize movement has foreign powers to thank?
Nine States and the District of Columbia have legalized the drug for recreational purposes and more than half of the states have legalized it for medical purposes.
The legalization of marijuana and recreational use may help reduce court filings and help ensure our youth, especially low income youth, stay out of the court system. individuals have more opportunity to participate in society and compete in a competitive workforce who don’t have criminal records. In Washington State, who legalized marijuana for recreational use in 2013, the number of low-level court filings for marijuana fell my 98%.
Evidence also suggests that the legalization of recreational marijuana also dramatically reduces the illegal production, distribution and sale of marijuana.
Whatever your opinion it’s important you share it with the Lt. Governor & your local Pennsylvania Representative. Participate in the discussion so our lawmakers can make the correct decisions and act on the behalf of their constituency.