CBD and its products are sweeping the nation. Rutter’s Farm Stores to now sell CBD products.
At what point is a gas station no longer a gas station but becomes a convenience store or supermarket? After the made to order food success for PA gas stations, they are now, with proper permitting, allowed to sell beer and wine. Next on the list? CBD.
Rutter’s Announced on March 23rd, 2019 that it would now offer CBD products in its stores.
This announcement comes shortly after the news that CVS would start to sell CBD products in 8 states. Pennsylvania was not one of those states.

In Recent News Red Lion, PA will soon be the site of a large North American hemp processor, Groff NA. Farmers and other members of the hemp community are now excited to have a local hemp processor.
CBD products are all the rage. But is it safe and effective?
Earlier this year we wrote an article on the safety and efficacy of CBD products.
There are a lot of different CBD products out there, including creams that help with muscle and joint pain and rashes. Other than topical options, you’ll also find capsules or vape serums that are supposed to help with anxiety and depression, improve memory and more. Then, there are the gummies that are great for epilepsy or other physical motor control conditions that have to do with the brain.
Marijuana and Hemp are certainly hot button issues in Pennsylvania. Lt Gov, Fetterman recently visited York and Lancaster counties. With packed halls, The Lt. Gov is listening to PA residents about the legalization of Recreational Marijuana.